1. Read all Instructions in rids manual and in 13. Always disconnect the lat bar from the
• e aCcompanylngltterature before using the weight system when performing an exercise
weight system. U1at_ not-use the lat bar.
2. It Is theresponslbmty of the owner to ensure
that all users of the _ System are ade-
quMely I_ of all IXeCWtlons.
3. "rhe weight system Is Int_ded for home use
only.Donot_use_th_weightsystemin any
co_, rental;-or Institutional setUng.
4. Use the weight system mW on a level sur.
tent to protect-the ffooi.
5. Make sure that all parbsare properly Ught-
e_d e_.hUmeyo..se _ewe_t symm.
Replace any wom pints in,nedlately.
6+ Keep children under12 and pets away from
the weight system at all 'dmu.
7. Keep hands and feet awayfrom moving parts.
8. Ahvayswearath_c shoes forfoot protecU_
9. The weightsystem I_ de_ned to supporta
a maximumz,mer_kdght of300 pounds.
10. The weight systomshould not be used by
moreuumonepem_ at=_
11. Always standon!_e foot plate when per-
forming an _wcise l_t could cause the
wek=htsystemto tip.
12. Never releue the butt_m-fly_arm_ leg lever,
squat arm;lat bar+roW_bar, or IImndlewhile
weights m raised, The weighs will fall with
14. Make sum that the cables remain on the pul-
leys at all tbnes., If_thecables bind whReyou
am exercising, s'copin,n_late_yand make
sure that the cablu m on aRo# the pulleys.
l&- If you fe_ pain or dizdnes_at any_gme while
e_ng, stop Immedlsteiy and begin cooF,
16. The wamlng decal= shown here have.been
racedonthewe_ht.-._m_m_- :nmemcaUons
ahownon page4,p e._cal:Is m,lul.g or
lllllg_+ ._phl call+our _ I_. UNE at
1-80_ m, Monday+mmugh my, 7
=Lm:-untn7:p.m.___c_.lnr_ _ ordera free
replacement decal Place tire decal onthe
weight system In the location shown.
• Misuseofthzsproduct
• Readuser'smanual
andfollow allwarnings
• Donotallowchildren
• Replacelabelif
Decal 2
Decal I
.... Innin9 this or any_exend €onsult your physldan. This
_ espedslly Imporlant l_r pemm_ over the age of 3S or l_mons Wlthixe+xl_ng hea_ _
Read-_dlin_ctions before ush_. SEARS assumes no rupons_bllity lot persona[ InJu_/or property
damage msstalned by or _roug_ the use of this p_