blanket(i)from the s torage tank (do nottouch or disconnect the wires of the heater blanket).
Extreme care must be taken when removing the storage tank, so as to avoid pulling
w ires loose anddamaging the copper tubing.
Remove the s torage tank (f)from its seat, leaving the heater blanket around the scale plate.
Rest the storage tank on a stand at leas t 10” in height. Switch on the MACHINE. Be careful
not to touch any electrical wires . Wait at least 10 seconds and press STOP to silence the
alarm. Pres s the INCREASE and ARROW keys s imultaneouslyand hold down for about 5
seconds. The value displayed at this point will correspond to the s cale zero value. Press
down lightlyon the scale plate; the value should increase. If it does not, replace the charge
cell. Pres s the ENTER key to memorize the value. In this phase, take care that nothing
touches the scale plate). Place the reference weight (50 lbs) carefully at the center of the
scale plate and check that the displayed value increases accordingly. Press the SEL key and
use the INCREASE & ARROW keys to type in the 4 fig ures of t he referen ce weight. Pre ss
ENTER.The display reading should be the reference weight minus the weight of the empty
bottle (tare weight).
Remove the reference weight. Switch off the m achine and disconnect from m ain power
supply. Replace the storage tank in its s eat on the s cale plate. Switch on the MACHINE,
taking care not to touch any electrical wires . Check calibration: place a known reference
weighton the bottle and check that the displayed availability value increases by the value of
the known reference weight± 2%. Remove the reference weight. Switch off the machine and
disconnectfrom main s upply.Replace the storage tank locking bolts.Open the red and blue
storage tank valves. Replace the rear plas tic cover.
NOTE: I n order to check the scale calibration the unit must be displaying a positive value for
REFRI GERANTAVAILABLE,ifthe display is reading zero additional weight m ust be added
to the top of the tank to get a positive reading. The known weight is then added and the
change in weightis verified as the k nown weight.
Perform the operations listed below on a routine basis in order to ensure good operation of
the vacuum pump.
M.1) Oil top-up
M.2) Oil change
M.3) Decontam ination
When topping-up or replacing the pump oil, use only VIPER No.793091 Vacuum Pump Oil.
M.1) Oi l top-up
This operation m ust be performed when the level of the oil falls to less than half on the
indicator (4 - Figure 15). To refill the oil, perform the steps listed below in the order given.
Refer to Figure 13.
1. Disconnectthe VR-6000 from main power supply.
2. Unscrew the filling cap (3).
3. Pour oil into the tank until the oil level is about half on the indicator (4).
4. Replace the oil cap (3) and tighten down.
M.2) Oil change
The vacuum pump oil must be replaced once a season and in any case every time the
refrigerant filters are replaced. The oil m ust also be changed whenever it changes color,
becom ing dark and turbid, since this is a sign that it has been contaminated and has
absorbed humidity. Before beginning the oil change procedure, procure a container of