By changing “User font size” and “Scale all images by (%)” you can get more
information on one M7100 display screen.
The M7100 Handheld Terminal can be setup to automatically start the links program and
go directly to a predetermined website. This is done by using the M7100 menu system
and selecting “Local Settings > Startup Options”. The following screen shots show the
M7100 set up to start the links program in the graphics mode and to go to the AML
Under “Start Dir :” we have added the startup directory “/bin/”
Under “Start Prog :” we have added the startup program “links” (case sensitive).
Under “Start Param:” we have added the start parameters “-g www.amltd.com”
Remember to use the “<Save Settings>” to make your changes permanent.
We might also need to increase the “Network Delay:” to a larger value to give the
network time to connect to the internet and find the requested website. The user can also
use the M7100 menu system to force a “Reconnect” if the network is not ready when the
M7100 is first powered on.