Once the operator hits [ENTER] from the welcome screen then the control menu for the
links program is selected by hitting the [Esc] key. If the M7100 terminal has connectivity
to the internet, then the operator can type in any valid URL and the M7100 will display
the web page.
If there is no connectivity to the internet or if a
local firewall prohibits internet access, then the
M7100 will display a blank screen.
Once a web page is displayed, the operator can “pan around” the screen by using the
[Shift] key then an arrow key (? ? ? ?). The thin bars on the right side and bottom of
the M7100 display shows how far the screen has shifted from the top left corner.
Because the M7100 has a much smaller screen than a standard PC, not much of the web
page can be displayed at one time. The links program has several options that can make
navigating the web page screen easier. To select these options go to View > Html
options, using the links menu.