Startup Options
The “Startup Options” function allows the operator to setup various options used when
the M7100 is first powered on.
Start Dir: This is the directory that the M7100 terminal will use for any auto-
start programs.
Start Prog: This is the program the M7100 will automatically start when the
unit is powered on. When a startup program is specified, the
M7100 will not start the internal telnet program.
Start Param: These are any optional settings that the auto-start program will use
when started.
Network Delay: This is the delay in milliseconds the M7100 will wait before
starting the auto-start program. This gives the network time to
setup routers and RF data paths to the M7100.
Enable Servers
This allows you to disable network connectivity to the M7100. This is usually used to
keep the M7100 more secure over a network. Disabling these functions can prevent
terminal emulation functionality as well as file transfers and operating system updates.
FTP Server: The FTP server allows files to be transferred to and from the
terminal over the RF link. Do not disable the FTP server
function if you are using a CommandLink™ RF host server.
Telnet Server: The Telnet server allows RF telnet traffic to move back and forth
to the terminal. Do not disable the Telnet server if you are using
any type of terminal emulation application.
HTTP Server: Allows firmware updates over the RF link.