Global Settings
ETV Portal Server Admin Guide 65
Press Add to add the VOD content to the list. VOD content also can be Modified or Deleted.
Simply select the VOD content, make modifications (if required), and click
Modify or Delete.
Add Non-VOD Content
PC Users Only. In the VoD Content section, administrators can also link to external
documents such as PDF files, PowerPoint files, web pages, or anything that can be displayed
in a browser or other external program. For content that needs to run with a specific
application (for example, PowerPoint slides), the application must be present on the desktop
for that file to be viewed. Use the content
Type field to identify the content. Select a stream
type (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, etc.) to add video content from an outside source. Select type
Document for PDFs or Word documents, or type Other for PowerPoint presentations, Flash
demos, etc. Each content type has a different icon on the
Video Library page.
URL Enter a valid URL or IP address. For example:
Type Choose MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-4 NXG, Document,
WM, H.264, or Other. If you are creating a URL for stored video that
points to
www.yahoo.com, for example, select Document in this
field—not Other. Select WM for .swf Flash streams.
Title This is what will display to clients in the ETV Portal Server viewing
Folder This is the folder on the VOD server in which the video will be
Keywords Enter keywords that can be searched from the user interface.
Max. Concurrent
Set the maximum number of concurrent viewers for this stream to
unlimited or any number greater than zero.