4 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
EtherneTV Portal Server is shipped with MySQL as the database. The MySQL database is
installed as part of the Portal Server installation package. If the hardware/software
combination was purchased from VBrick, MySQL will already be installed on your machine;
the default user name is
root. To protect the integrity of the database, you should change the
default password (
vbrick_18) after initial installation and periodically thereafter as explained
below. To backup the MySQL database, see EtherneTV Backup on page 145.
T To change the MySQL password
1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. At the C: prompt type
cd program files\mysql\mysql server 4.1\bin and press Enter.
3. Type
mysql -uroot -pvbrick_18 and press Enter.
4. Type
set password for 'root'@'localhost'=password ('new_password'); (where
'new_password' in single quotes is the new password) and press Enter.
5. Type
Portal Server Features
End User Features
• Windows-based PCs, Macintoshes, or IPRs (connected to televisions or display
monitors) can all access the Portal Server.
• Users can view video at
Full Screen for a television-like user experience.
• Users can view Video-On-Demand assets with full VCR/DVD control, including
Pause, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind, and Seek.
• Video can be viewed in a preview window or launched in multiple external, re-sizeable
player windows (PC and Macintosh).
Note MySQL Query Browser is an Open Source front-end that provides a graphical
interface to the MySQL database. MySQL Query Browser is available with the free
software/open source GNU General Public License at to http://www.mysql.com