
180 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
3. Click on the Advanced button.
4. Change
Transfer Rate from 10,000 to 1,000,000, click OK and OK again.
5. Reboot the VOD-W Server for the changes to take effect.
Ingesting Purchased Content
T To ingest purchased content to your VOD servers
1. Run the
C:\Program Files\VBrick\MCS\bin\MassIngestionUtils.exe program.
2. When the window opens, go to
Options > Initiate Mass Ingestion.
3. When the Mass Ingestion utility starts:
a. Set
Local Video Content Path to the actual path.
b. The
Ingest Source Directory is ftp://[Portal Server IP Address]/MassIngest.
c. Set the
Metadata File Path to the location of the Excel spreadsheet.
d. The
Sheet Name should be Sheet1.
e. The
MCS Server IP is the address of the Portal Server.
f. Select the
VoD Servers to receive the content.
g. Press the
Validate button.
h. Then press
Continue and wait for the ingestion to complete. This may take from 2–8