Sportster Winmodem 33600 & x2/56K - User's manual 51
S23 19 Stores the ASCII decimal code for the XOFF
character. Valid range is 0–127.
S24 0 Reserved.
Reg Default Function
S25 5 Sets the duration, in hundredths of a second,
that DTR must be dropped so that the
modem doesn’t interpret a random glitch as a
DTR loss. (Most users will want to use the
default; this register is useful for setting
compatibility with older systems running
under older operating software.).
S26 0 Reserved.
S27 1 Bit-mapped register. To set the register see
the instructions for S13.
Bit Value Result
0 1 Enables ITU-T V.21 modulation
at 300 bps for overseas calls; in
V.21 mode, the modem
answers both overseas and domestic
(U.S. and Canada) calls, but
only originates V.21 calls.
1 2 Enables unencoded (non-trellis
coded) modulation in V.32
mode; rarely used part of ITU-T
Recommendation V.32.
2 4 Disables V.32 modulation.
3 8 Disables 2100 Hz answer tone
to allow two V.42 modems to
connect more quickly.
4 16 See next page.
5 32 See next page.
6 64 Reserved.
7 128 This setting disables the codes
and displays the 9600 code
instead. The actual rate of the
call can be viewed on the ATI6
screen. Used for unusual