Sportster Winmodem 33600 & x2/56K - User's manual 49
Reg Default Function
S13 0 Bit-mapped register. Select the bit(s) you
want on and set S13 to the total of the val-
ues in the Value column. For example,
ATS13 = 17 enables bit 0 (value is 1) and bit
4 (value is 16).
Bit Value Result
0 1 Reset when DTR drops.
1 2 Reset non-MNP transmit buffer
from 1.5K to 128 bytes.♦♦
2 4 Set backspace key to delete.
3 8 On DTR signal, auto dial the
number stored in NVRAM at
position 0.
4 16 At power on/reset, Auto Dial the
number stored in NVRAM at
position 0.
5 32 Reserved.
6 64 Reserved.
7 128 Disconnect on escape code.
♦♦The 128-byte option lets remote users with slower modems
keep data you’re sending from scrolling off their screens.
When remote users send your computer an XOFF (Ctrl-S) and
you stop transmitting, the data in transit from your modem’s
buffer doesn’t exceed the size of their screen.
This is also very helpful in situations when a remote modem/
printer application is losing characters.
S14 0 Bit-mapped register. Allowable non-default
value is 1.
Bit Value Result
0 1 The modem hangs up on receipt
of +++, returns to command
mode, and sends the NO
CARRIER result code.
1–7 Reserved.