30 Sportster Winmodem 33600 & x2/56K - User's manual
If your communi-
cations software is
reporting many
Cyclic Redundancy
Check (CRC) errors
and low Characters
Per Second (CPS).
Place the call again. You may have had
a bad phone line or a bad connection.
The telephone company routes all
calls, even local calls, differently each
time you call.
Load the template that enables
hardware flow control as well as other
optimal settings. Go into terminal mode
(your communications software should
let you switch to terminal mode) and:
2. And then press the
Try the Zmodem file transfer protocol. If
that does not work, try Ymodem. (Only
use Xmodem as a last resort.)
During Fax Transmissions
If errors are
occurring in your
V.17 (14.4) fax
Type this initialization string in your
software initialization string screen:
(last character is zero)