
Installation (Continued)
The occupied cooling setpoint ranges between 40 and 80
Fahrenheit. The warm-up setpoint ranges between 50 and
90 degrees Fahrenheit with a 2 degrees deadband. The Un-
occupied cooling setpoint ranges between 45 and 98
degrees Fahrenheit. The heating setpoint ranges between
43 and 96 degrees Fahrenheit.
Two liquid crystal displays (LCD) display zone temperature,
temperature setpoints, week day, time, and operational
mode symbols.
The DIP switches on the subbase are used to enable or dis-
able applicable functions, i.e.; Morning Warm-up, Econo-
mizer minimum CFM override during unoccupied status,
Fahrenheit or Centigrade, Supply air tempering, Remote
zone temperature sensor, 12/24 hour time display, Smart
fan, and Computed recovery.
During an occupied period, an auxiliary relay rated for 1.25
amps @ 30 volts AC with one set of single pole double
throw contacts is activated. See Table 3-10 for the Tempera-
ture vs Resistance coefficient.
Constant Volume Zone Panel (5U68) - BAYSENS008B
This electronic sensor features four system switch settings
(Heat, Cool, Auto, and Off) and two fan settings (On and
Auto). It is a manual or automatic changeover control with
dual setpoint capability.
Variable Air Volume System Controls
Remote Panel w/ NSB (5U58) - BAYSENS020B
This 7 day programmable sensor features four periods for
Occupied\Unoccupied programming per day. Either one or
all four periods can be programmed. If the power is inter-
rupted, the program is retained in permanent memory. If
power is off longer than 2 hours, only the clock and day may
have to be reset.
The front panel allows selection of Occupied/Unoccupied
periods with two temperature inputs (Cooling Supply Air
Temperature and Heating Warm-up temperature) per occu-
pied period. The occupied cooling setpoint ranges between
40 and 80 Fahrenheit. The warm-up setpoint ranges be-
tween 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit with a 2 degrees
deadband. The Unoccupied cooling setpoint ranges be-
tween 45 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit. The heating setpoint
ranges between 43 and 96 degrees Fahrenheit.
The liquid crystal display (LCD) displays zone temperature,
temperature setpoints, week day, time, and operational
mode symbols.
The DIP switches on the subbase are used to enable or dis-
able applicable functions, i.e.; Morning warm-up, econo-
mizer minimum position override during unoccupied status,
heat installed, remote zone temperature sensor, 12/24 hour
time display, and daytime warm-up. Refer to
Table 3-10 for the Temperature vs Resistance coefficient.
During an occupied period, an auxiliary relay rated for 1.25
amps @ 30 volts AC with one set of single pole double
throw contacts is activated.
Remote Panel w/o NSB (5U59) - BAYSENS021A
The remote panel w/o Night setback has a system switch as
well as a S/A temperature setpoint indicator, a local sensor,
and four LED's. These features allow the operator to control
system operation, and monitor unit operating status from a
remote location. Use the installation instructions that
shipped with the panel to install it, and the unit's field wiring
diagram to connect it to the unit.
VAV Changeover Contacts (5K87)
These contacts are connected to the RTM when daytime
heating on VAV units with internal or external hydronic heat
is required. Daytime (occupied) heating switches the system
to a CV type mode of operation. Refer to the unit wiring dia-
gram for the field connection terminals in the unit control
panel. The switch must be rated at 12 ma @ 24 VDC mini-
Constant Volume or Variable Air Volume
System Controls
Remote Human Interface Module (5U66)
The remote Human Interface module enables the operator
to set of modify the operating parameters of the unit using
it's 16 key keypad and view the operating status of the unit
on the 2 line, 40 character LCD screen without leaving the
building. However, the Remote Human Interface module can
not be used to perform any service functions.
One remote panel is designed to monitor and control up to
four units providing each of the units are equipped with an
IPCB module. Use the installation instructions that shipped
with the module to install it, and the appropriate illustrations
in Figure 3-16 or 3-17 to connect it to the unit.
Remote Zone Sensor (BAYSENS013C)
This electronic analog sensor features remote zone sensing
and timed override with override cancellation. It is used
when the RTM has been programmed as the source for
zone temperature control. Refer to Table 3-10 for the Tem-
perature vs Resistance coefficient.
Remote Zone Sensor (BAYSENS014C)
This electronic analog sensor features single setpoint capa-
bility and timed override with override cancellation. It is used
with a Trane Integrated Comfort
system. Refer to Table 3-
10 for the Temperature vs Resistance coefficient.
Remote Zone Sensor (5RT16, 5U57, and 5U69)
This bullet type analog Temperature sensor can be used for;
outside air (ambient) sensing, return air temperature sens-
ing, supply air temperature sensing, remote temperature
sensing (uncovered), morning warm-up temperature sens-
ing, and for VAV zone reset. Wiring procedures vary accord-
ing to the particular application and equipment involved.
When this sensor is wired to a BAYSENS019* or
BAYSENS020* Remote Panel, wiring must be 18 AWG
Shielded Twisted Pair (Belden 8760 or equivalent). Refer to
Table 3-10 for the Temperature vs Resistance coefficient.
Remote Zone Sensor (5RT16, 5U57, and 5U69)
This electronic analog sensor can be used with
BAYSENS019*, 020*, or 021A Remote Panels. When this
sensor is wired to a BAYSENS019* or BAYSENS020* Re-
mote Panel, wiring must be 18 AWG Shielded Twisted Pair
(Belden 8760 or equivalent). Refer to the specific Remote
Panel for wiring details.