Installation (Continued)
Table 3-2A
Unit Dimensional Data
Unit Dimensions
20 & 25 Ton 24'-1 3/8" 5'-3 1/8" 7'-6 1/2" 5'-8 15/16" 3'-9 5/16" 13'-3" 1" 7' 1'-3 1/2"
30 Ton 24'-1 3/8" 5'-8 5/8" 7'-6 1/2" 6'-2 3/8" 4'-9 5/16" 13'-3" 1" 7' 1'-3 1/2"
40 Ton 30'-2 1/2" 6'-1 5/8" 7'-6 1/2" 6'-7 3/8" 5'-9 5/16" 15'-11 1/8" 1" 8' 2'-5"
50 & 55 Ton 32'-10 1/2" 5'-3 1/8" 7'-6 1/2" 5'-8 7/8" 6'-9 5/16" 15'-11 1/8" 1" 8' 2'-5"
60 Ton 30'-2 1/2" 6'-1 5/8" 9'-8" 6'-7 3/8" 5'-9 5/16" 15'-11 1/8" 1" 8' 2'-5"
70 & 75 Ton 30'-2 1/2" 6'-1 5/8" 9'-8" 6'-7 3/8" 5'-9 5/16" 15'-11 1/8" 1" 8' 1'-4"
16'-7" 16'-6" 8 1/8" 6 1/4" 9"
16'-7" 16'-6" 8 1/8" 6 1/4" 9"
19'-7" See Note 8 1/8" 6 1/4" 9"
19'-7" See Note 8 1/8" 6 1/4" 9"
19'-7" See Note 8 1/8" 6 1/4" 9"
19'-6" for SFHF "Low Heat" units or 20'-3" for SFHF "Hi
h Heat" units.
Table 3-2B
Unit Base Dimensional Data
Unit Dimensions
Size A B C D E F G H
20 - 30 Ton 16'-3 3/16" 2'-2 1/2" 5 13/16" 5'-7" 3'-4 3/8" 5 13/16" 6'-6 15/16" 15'-5 5/16"
40 - 55 Ton 19'-10 5/16" 2'-5" 7 1/16" 5'-7" 3'-4 3/8" 5 13/16" 7'-8 3/16" 18'-11 11/16"
60 Ton 19'-10 5/16" 2'-5" 6 1/16" Note 1 4'-5 3/8" 5 13/16" 7'-8 3/16" 18'-11 11/16"
70 - 75 Ton 19'-10 5/16" 2'-5" 6 1/16" Note 1 4'-5 3/8" 5 13/16" 7'-8 3/16" 18'-11 11/16"
Unit Dimensions
Size J K L
20 - 30 Ton 16'-9 3/4" 8 13/16" 9 1/16"
40 - 55 Ton 20'-1 3/4" 8 3/16" 9 1/16"
60 Ton 20'-1 3/4" 8 3/16" 9 1/16"
70 - 75 Ton 20'-1 3/4" 8 3/16" 9 1/16"
1. 5'-5 15/16" for SEHF units or 7'-8 1/2" for SFHF, SLHF, SSHF, SXHF units.
Table 3-2C
Electrical Entrance Data
Unit Dimensions
Size F G H J K L M N
20, 25, & 30 8 7/32" 6 31/32" 15 21/32" 13 21/32" 9 17/32" 8 1/2" 18 1/16" 19 9/16"
50 & 55 Ton
40, 60, 70 8 3/4" 7 3/4" 17 7/8" 15 7/8" 9 29/32" 10 1/16" 20 13/32" 22 5/32"
& 75 Ton
Table 3-2D
CPVC Dimensional Data
Unit Size Furnace Dimensions (Note) Unit Size Furnace Dimensions (Note)
Size/MBH Length Height Size/MBH Length Height
20 & 25 Ton Low = 235 195-5/32" 9-5/32" 50 - 75 Ton Low = 500 240-1/8" 9-5/32"
High = 500 195-5/32" 9-5/32" High = 850 231-1/8" 9-5/32"
30 Ton Low = 350 195-5/32" 9-5/32" 90 -130 Ton 1000 267-3/16" 10-11/32"
High = 500 195-5/32" 9-5/32"
The len
th dimension is from the exhaust
40 Ton Low = 350 240-1/8" 9-5/32" end of the unit. The height dimension is
High = 850 231-1/8" 9-5/32" from the bottom of the unit base rail.