Oil Maintenance
Compressor Oil Change on
Recommendations are to subscribe
to an annual oil analysis program
rather than automatically change the
oil as part of scheduled maintenance.
Change the oil only if indicated by
the oil analysis. Use of an oil
analysis program will reduce the
chillers overall lifetime waste oil
generation and minimize refrigerant
emissions. The oil analysis should
be performed by a qualified
laboratory that is experienced in
refrigerant and oil chemistry and in
the servicing of Trane centrifugal
In conjunction with other diagnostics
performed by a qualified service
technician, oil analyses can provide
valuable information on the
performance of the chiller to help
minimize operating and maintenance
costs and maximize it’s operating life.
A drain fitting is installed in the oil
filter top, after the oil filter, for
obtaining oil samples.
Note: Use only Trane OIL00022. A full
oil change is 9 gallons of OIL00022.
Oil Change Procedure
When oil analysis indicates the need
to change compressor oil, use the
following procedure for removing
Heater Damage!
The oil sump heater must be
deenergized before draining the
sump. Failure to do so could
possibly burn out the oil sump
[ ] Draw the oil from the chiller
through the oil charging valve on the
chiller oil sump into an approved,
evacuated tank; or,
[ ] Pump the oil from the chiller
through the oil charging valve into an
airtight resealable container, using a
magnetically-driven auxiliary pump.
Forcing the oil from the oil sump by
pressurizing the chiller (by raising
chiller temperature or adding
nitrogen) is not recommended.
Refrigerant dissolved in the oil can
be removed and returned to the
chiller by using an appropriate deep-
vacuum recovery unit and heating
and agitating the oil container. Follow
all Federal, State and Local
regulations with regard to disposal of
waste oil.