The machine-operating mode
indicates the operational status of the
chiller. A subscreen with additional
mode summary information will be
provided. When the user scrolls
down the screen the Machine
Operation Mode will remain
On DynaView
, the user will be
presented with a single line of text
that represents the ‘top-level’
operating state of the machine. These
top-level modes are shown in the
table below. Additional information (if
it exists) regarding the machine
operating state will be available to
the user by selecting the “additional
information” button (double right
arrow) next to the top-level operating
mode. These sub-level modes are
shown in the table at left.
The TOP LEVEL MODE is the text
seen on the single top level chiller
system operating mode line. The
SUB LEVEL MODE is the text seen on
the operating mode sub-menu. The
operating mode sub-menu may have
up to six (6) lines of text displayed.
The BAS CODE is the code that will
be sent via COMM4 to the Tracer
Summit system as the chiller system
mode. Note that each top level mode
may contain multiple sub level
modes. In general, the BAS CODE
will reflect the top level mode and not
the sub level mode.
A general description of the top level modes is show in the following table.
Top Level Mode Description
Stopped Unit inhibited from running and will require
user action to go to Auto.
Run Inhibit Unit inhibited from running by Tracer,
External BAS, or an Auto Reset diagnostic.
Auto Unit determining if there is a need to run.
Waiting To Start Unit waiting for tasks required prior to
compressor start to be completed.
Starting Compressor Unit is starting compressor.
Running Compressor is running with no limits in
Running – Limit Compressor is running with limit in effect.
Preparing To Shutdown Unit is closing inlet guide vanes prior to
compressor shutdown.
Shutting Down Compressor has been stopped and unit is
performing shutdown tasks.
Free Cooling Unit is in Free Cooling mode and will not
run the compressor.
Figure 18