Control System
Control Panel Internally
mounted devices
For visual identification Internal
Control Panel mounted devices are
identified by their respective
schematic designation number.
Control panel items are marked on
the inner back panel in the control
panel. Figure 20 illustrated below,
identifies these devices. The Control
Panel Devices table corresponds to
the same device designators (see
right hand column). Optional
controls are present when a specific
optional controls package is
specified, as listed in the second
column. Optional controls packages
are; OPST Operating Status, GBAS
Generic Building Systems, EXOP
Extended operation, CDRP
Condenser Pressure, TRMM Tracer
Figure 20. Control panel components layout and approximate dimensions
communications, WPSR Water Flow
Pressure sensing, FRCL Free
Cooling, HGBP Hot Gas Bypass , and
EPRO Enhanced Protection
Figure 20 illustrates the Control Panel
Components Layout.
Modules 1A1, 1A3, 1A4, 1A5, 1A6,
1A7, and 1A13 are standard and
present in all configurations. Other
Modules vary depending on machine
optional devices.