Table A-1. Symbols used in instruction operation notation
Symbol Meaning
|| Bit string concatenation
Replication of bit value x into a y-bit string. Note that x is always a single-bit value.
Selection of bits y through z of bit string x. Little endian bit notation is always used
here. If y is less than z, this expression results in an empty (null length) bit string.
+ Two's complement addition
- Two's complement subtraction
* Two's complement multiplication
div Two's complement division
mod Two's complement modulo
< Two's complement "less than" comparison
and Bitwise logical AND operation
or Bitwise logical OR operation
xor Bitwise logical XOR operation
nor Bitwise logical NOR operation
GPR [x] General-purpose register x. The content of GPR[0] is always 0, and attempting to
change this content has no effect.
CPR [z,x] General-purpose register x of coprocessor unit z
CCR [z,x] Control register x of coprocessor unit z
COC [z] Condition signal of coprocessor unit z
Big endian mode as configured at reset (0: little; 1: big). This determines the which
endian format is used with the memory interface (see Load Memory and Store Memory)
and with kernel mode execution.
A signal to reverse the endian format of load and store instructions. This function can
be used only in user mode. The endian format is reversed by setting the Status
register RE bit. Accordingly, ReverseEndian can be computed as (RE bit AND user
The endian format for load and store instructions (0: little; 1: big). In user mode, the
endian format is reversed by setting the RE bit. Accordingly, BigEndianCPU can be
computed as BigEndianMem XOR ReverseEndian.
T + i: This indicates the time steps between operations. Statements within a time step are
defined to execute in sequential order, as modified by condition and rule structures. An
operation marked by T + i: is executed at instruction cycle i relative to the start of the
instruction's execution. For example, an instruction starting at time j executes
operations marked T + i: at time i + j. The order is not defined for two instructions or
two operations executing at the same time.
vAddress Virtual address
pAddress Physical address