
Chapter 1 Product Description 1-7
32-Mbyte DIMM 60-ns, 32-Mbyte DIMM
64-Mbyte DIMM 60-ns, 64-Mbyte DIMM
128-Mbyte DIMM 60-ns, 128-Mbyte DIMM
NVRAM/TOD Time of day, 48T59, with carrier
CD-ROM drive 12X-speed CD-ROM drive, 644-Mbyte SunCD
4-mm tape drive 4-Gbyte/8-Gbyte, 4-mm tape drive, DDS-2
4-mm tape drive 12-Gbyte/24-Gbyte, 4-mm tape drive, DDS-3
8-mm tape drive 14-Gbyte, 8-mm tape drive
TPE cable (category 5) Twisted-pair Ethernet cable
DC switch assembly DC switch assembly
TABLE 1-2 System Unit Replaceable Components (Continued)
Component Description