
address A unique location within computer or peripheral memory. Reference made to
an address is usually for retrieving or storing data.
ASIC Application-specific integrated circuit.
ASP Authorized service provider.
boot A term used to identify the process of reading initial software into the
boot PROM In Sun workstations, contains the PROM monitor program, a command
interpreter used for booting, resetting, low-level configuration, and simple test
CDE Common Desktop Environment.
CD-ROM Compact disk-read only memory.
DBZ Double buffer with Z.
DCE Data communication equipment. An external modem.
default A preset value that is assumed to be correct unless changed by the user.
DIMM Dual in-line memory module. A small printed circuit card that contains
dynamic random-access memory chips.
DMA Direct memory address.
dpi Dots per inch.
DPS Data path scheduler. Controls all data flow that coordinates the activity of the
BMX chips.
DRAM Dynamic random-access memory. A read/write dynamic memory in which the
data can be read or written in approximately the same amount of time for any
memory location.