
C-28 Sun Ultra 60 Service Manual August 2001
C.1.13 Audio Card and Connector
The audio card provides various audio applications from telephone-quality speech
to CD-quality music. The audio card supports four jacks of identical type: line in,
line out, headphone out, and microphone in.
TABLE C-6 lists the major features of the
audio card and
FIGURE C-9 illustrates a functional block diagram.
The audio card connector is a dual-position, standard-edge connector whose features
23 dual positions (46 total)
50-millimeter centerline
1.49 inches (total length)
TABLE C-6 Audio Card Features
Reference Feature Description
A Stereo line level Attenuated by a resistor divider network and
then fed into the Line Inputs of the Codec.
B Stereo microphone input Buffered by a non-inverting operational
amplifier (one operational amplifier for the
left channel and one operational amplifier for
the right channel). The left and right outputs
are then fed into the left and right Mic Inputs
of the Codec. A filtered +5 Vdc is fed to the
signal inputs.
C Internal CD-ROM
peripheral analog outputs
Cabled to the motherboard and AC-coupled
to the left and right Aux1 inputs of the Codec.
D Codex mono-output Fed into an active graphic equalizer to add
bass boost and mid-range attenuation.
Equalizer output is amplified and routed to
the front mounted 16-ohm, 68-mm speaker.
E Line output A direct output, except E1, which enables
muting of this signal. The mute function is
driven from the Codec PIO lines.
F Headphone output Buffered by an operational amplifier to give
headphone drive with low impedances of 16
ohms or more. Is independently mutable,
driven from Codec PIO lines.
G MultiMedia Codec
Heart of the audio module. A single-chip,
stereo, A/D and D/A converter based on
delta-sigma conversion.