Page 52
Telemetry (Polar
) Heart Rate Test
The telemetry heart rate system is made up of the console, the heart rate re-
ceiver, and the chest strap (available separately). You can test each compo-
nent by performing the following steps:
1. You will need to put a chest strap on to test the telemetry
heart rate. Before you put on the chest strap, wet the two contact
patches. Secure the chest strap as high under your pectoral muscles
(chest) as is comfortable. The chest strap should fit snugly,
comfortably, and allow normal breathing.
2. A flashing
♥ should be displayed on the console. Your heart rate, in
beats per minute, will show next to the heart icon. If the heart icon
does not show, or if your heart rate is not displayed on the console,
then you have a problem with either the console, chest strap, or
heart rate receiver.
3. Verify that the console software has been set up to receive telemetry
(see the heart rate monitoring section of this manual). Note that
holding the contact heart rate sensors (if enabled) can inhibit the
telemetry heart rate input from working.
4. Test your chest strap with a machine that you know is working or
with a heart rate watch that you know is working.
5. External interference caused by nearby televisions, personal CD
players, or air conditioners may also inhibit the telemetry heart rate
pickup. Move the machine away from interference sources if possible.
6. If possible, replace or exchange your console with a console that you
know is working and retest the machine.