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During the exercise program, the Stats keys are used to track workout statis-
tics which are then shown in the display window. Pressing the [SELECT] key
turns off the scanning feature and shows the statistic of choice in the display
window. Continue to press the [SELECT] key until you reach the desired
statistic. Pressing the [SCAN] key will prompt the console to cycle through the
following statistics:
- Provides a cumulative total of the equivalent distance (in miles
or kilometers), you would have traveled while riding a bicycle outdoors at the
same relative intensity.
- Provides a running total of the number of calories burned
during a workout.
Rate -
Displays the current steps per minute.
- Displays the equivalent number of floors climbed with an 8-inch
step. There are 16 steps per floor, and 48 floors per mile.
- Shows the current intensity level between 1 (the easiest) and 20 (the
- Displays the exercise intensity in watts (746 watts = 1 horsepower).
- Gives you the relative energy cost of exercise. MET stands for mul-
tiples of the resting metabolic rate. While you are sitting quietly, your body
consumes oxygen at the rate of about 3.5 milliliters per kilogram of body mass
per minute. When you exercise, your body needs more oxygen in order to func-
tion. For example, exercising at 10 METs requires ten times the resting rate of
oxygen consumption, or about 35 milliliters per kilogram per minute. During a
workout, this key shows the current MET level. During the workout summary,
the average MET level is displayed.
Target Heart Rate
- Available only during the Constant Heart Rate pro-
gram. Shows the selected target heart rate.
At the completion of a workout, the statistic averages are calculated
based on the accumulation of data during the workout program, and not not
including the cool down period.