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Contact Heart Rate Test
The contact heart rate system is made up of the console and the contact
heart rate sensor handles. Remember that even when operating properly, the
contact Heart Rate system will not work for everyone. If you suspect you have
a problem with your system, have someone else try it before performing the
following troubleshooting steps:
1. With the console showing “SELECT WORKOUT,” place your hands
on the sensor handles using a relaxed grip, and remain still. After
approximately 10 seconds a flashing ♥ should be displayed on the
console, followed by your heart rate in beats per minute. If your heart
rate does not appear, continue on to the next step.
2. Verify that the console software has been set up to receive contact
heart rate (see the heart rate monitoring section of this manual).
3. If the telemetry (Polar
) receiver located in the console is receiving
interfering signals, the contact heart rate system may be inhibited.
Take your hands off the handle sensors for about 20 seconds and
watch the heart display. If it flashes on and off, the telemetry heart
rate is picking up interfering signals, and the machine must be moved
away from the source of the interference or the telemetry heart rate
input must be disabled (see the heart rate monitoring section of this
4. Remove the console knobs from the back of the console, lift the
console up, and disconnect both the main cable and the small hand
grip sensor cable from the console. Use an ohmmeter to check for
continuity between the hand grip sensors and the small cable
connector. If the handles are working, each steel sensor should be
connected to one wire on the cable connector, with less than 15 ohms
showing on the ohmmeter.
5. If possible, replace or exchange your console with a console that you
know is working and retest the machine.
6. If the problem still persists, contact the Customer Service Department
at 800-331-3578.