01GB02CD-EUR.fm masterpage:Right
3-242-048-31 (1)
Selecting the display mode and display pattern
You can select from 5 different display modes. You can also select various display patterns in Standard
mode, Spectrum analyzer mode, Panorama/Wall paper mode, and Screen Saver mode.
Standard mode
Displays various information such as source, track number, elapsed playing time, disc name, track
name, and sound settings. You can display items such as an icon of the source on the left side of the
display, spectrum analyser or wall paper in smaller size in the centre of the display.
Standard mode 1 (Spectrum analyser)
Standard mode 2 (Wall paper)
Spectrum analyser mode
Displays a pre-stored spectrum analyser setting on the whole screen.
Panorama/Wall paper mode
Displays pre-stored static images or static pictures in a “Memory Stick” on the whole screen.
Panorama (An image scrolls)
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