Back: Returns the browser to the previous web page.
Forward: Moves the browser to the next web page.
Home: Returns the browser to the currently assigned
Reload: Reloads the current page.
Magnify: Launches magnification slider that lets you zoom in
and out using an onscreen slider.
View Mode: Toggles between PC Web view and Mobile view.
Fullscreen View: displays the page in fullscreen view. No
toolbars are visible.
Rotate: Rotates the screen image 90° for landscape viewing
(Fullscreen view only).
Toolbar View: Displays the page with toolbars visible.
Search: launches the Google Search or Yahoo! Search
window (depending on the preference setting, see “Set
Browser Preferences” on page 83).
Add to Bookmarks: adds the current page to the Bookmarks
Bookmarks: displays the Bookmarks list.
Browser Settings: accesses the Browser Settings menu,
which allows you to clear caches, delete cookies, access
cookie options, delete history, change preferences, view the
page details, change the browser profiles, and view
information about the browser software.