
More Information
How wireless works
Your wireless service is dierent from your home or
business phone service. On a wireless device, you
must press the S
END button to alert the network to
connect your call. Unlike the calls you make on a home
or business phone, wireless commu n
ications travel
over the air and can react to the environment. Rain,
snow, fog, falling leaves, water, mountains, canyons and
even buildings may aect service. All wireless service is
subject to “dead zones,” or no-coverage areas.
Verizon Wireless network technology
Verizon Wireless oers CDMA (Code Division Multiple
Access) digital network technology to most of its
customers. CDMA digital technology oers many
benets compared to analog, such as less static,
enhanced voice clarity, increased privacy and longer
battery life. A CDMA digital phone is necessary
to s
ubscribe to our digital service. Verizon Wireless
only sells digital wireless devices that are E911
compatible and either all-d
igital or tri-mode, which
means you may use analog or CDMA digital services on
dierent frequencies.