only if you want to change the way your tablet works and have
your tablet describe each item that your nger moves over on
the screen.
When you turn on TalkBack, spoken feedback starts immediately.
As you navigate your tablet, TalkBack describes your actions and
alerts you of notications and other occurrences.
If you also enabled Explore by Touch, moving your nger around
the screen triggers a description of each item it touches. Double-
tap to activate the last spoken item, and swipe with two ngers
to perform swiping actions that normally require just one nger.
Change TalkBack settings
To modify TalkBack settings, go to Settings > Accessibility > Talk-
Back, then double-tap Settings in the top right corner.
When to speak
• Speech volume. You can set this as a percentage of media
• Use pitch changes. Check to speak keyboard feedback at a
lower pitch.
• Speak when screen is off. Check to turn on spoken feedback
when the screen is off.