• Double-tap anywhere on the screen. Opens or activates the
item that you last touched.
• Swipe up or down using two ngers. Scroll within lists.
• Swipe left or right using two ngers. Change pages and
• Swipe right (or down) using one nger. Move to the next item.
• Swipe left (or up) using one nger. Move to the previous item.
• Swipe down then up using a single motion. Transition to the
next reading level when reading blocks of text, then swipe right
to read forward or left to go back.
• Swipe up then down using a single motion. Transition to the
previous reading level when reading blocks of text, then swipe
right to read forward or left to go back.
• Swipe right then left using a single motion. Move to the next
• Swipe left then right using a single motion. Move to the previ-
ous page.
While you’re exploring with one nger, you can use another nger
to double-tap to open an app, widget, and so on.
IMPORTANT: The way these gestures are interpreted is spe-
cic to TalkBack. Other accessibility services may use the
same gestures for different actions