“.pls,” or “.m3u” extension, and a WMA stream ends with “.asx”. Currently, SoundBridge can
stream MP3 and WMA formats. RealAudio streams (ending in .ram or .rm) are currently not
supported. AACplus stations may use the same extensions as MP3 stations, but will not be able
to be played. Usually, an Internet Radio station’s web site will say which format is being used.
Stay tuned for additional format support in future software updates.
You may wish to use fewer than the 18 available Preset slots. If you want to leave a slot empty,
ensure that the menu below the “Name” label reads “URL”, and then ensure that both the name
and location boxes are empty. When you save changes, the Preset will be marked as empty.
When you are finished editing your presets, click on the “Update Presets” button at the bottom
of the page.
Hint: If for some reason you insert a URL that is too long to fit inside the text field
(longer than 250 characters), SoundBridge will automatically revert to the previous
URL that was in your list before.
Please see the “Internet Radio” section for information about accessing and playing your stored
stations from your presets.
Section 7: SoundBridge Web Interface