In these cases, enter the SSID using the remote control. Use the left/right ÐÆarrows to choose
letters, and use the up/down ÂÌ arrows to change to Uppercase and to other character sets
(numbers, international characters) and to enter “Space”, “Delete” and “OK” when you’re done.
SoundBridge supports networks with WEP security. WPA is not yet supported. If you have a
WEP security key, you will need to enter your WEP key manually into SoundBridge. This is the
same key you have entered into your Access Point and your computer. Your screen will look
something like this:
No Music Libraries Found (Why?)
Scroll down using your remote control’s Down Ì arrow until the option “System Configuration”
is highlighted, and press Select [] on your remote control. You will see a screen that looks like
Software Version & Updates
Select Wi-Fi SSID & Password
Show Wired Ethernet Status
Show Wi-Fi Status
Navigate down to “Select Wi-Fi SSID & Password” and enter your wireless network name and
For additional help connecting to your network, including password help, see the Wi-Fi setup
section in the appendix of this guide.
Section 1: Getting Started