SoundBridge automatically builds a song queue every time you select a song or album to play.
This section will tell you how to build a song queue, review a song queue and erase a song queue.
Building a Song Queue
Let’s say you would now like to choose several different songs or selections to play in a row.
This is called building a “Song Queue.” SoundBridge automatically builds a new Song Queue
every time you select a song or album to play. You can add to that list by navigating to your
preferred music and pressing Add [+]. The selection will be added to the end of the current
Song Queue.
You may add a single song, an entire album, all songs by an artist, all songs in a genre, or any
search result — just browse to the selection you prefer and press Add [+]. For example, if
you would like to play all songs by Coldplay, select Home menu > Browse > Browse artists.
Navigate to Coldplay in your artist list and press Add [+]. All songs on all albums by Coldplay
will be played in the order they appear on each album. See “Browse” and “Search” for more
You have several other options for building a Song Queue. After you press Select while
browsing on a song, a “Song” menu appears with the following options:
The first, “Play Songs” option is described in the section above — it starts playing your album
(or other browsed list), beginning with the current track.
If you choose “Play Song” on any track in your selection, the entire list is added to the Song
Queue, but playback starts on the chosen track. If you have the Repeat [
] option selected,
the earlier tracks in the queue will play after the last song. If you have the Shuffle [
] option
selected, then the chosen track will play first, followed by all the other tracks in the list in
random order.
The “Add song to Song Queue” option behaves similarly to the Add [+] button— it places the
current song at the end of your playlist.
Section 3: The Song Queue