PLANET VIP-150T User’s Manual
4.13 [sip] command
1. –print: display all current configurations.
2. –mode: configure VIP-150T as Proxy or Peer-to-Peer Mode.
Usage: sip –mode 0/1(1 for Proxy mode, 0 for Peer-to-Peer mode)
3. –px: set proxy server IP address or URL address (sip –px “IP address or URL of
Proxy server”).
4. –pxport: set listening port of Proxy server.
5. –outpx: set IP address of outbound proxy server. After user set outbound proxy, all
packets form VIP-150T will be sent to outbound proxy server.
6. –prefix: set prefix string. If user ID contains alphabets, user can set it as prefix
string here. For example, if Account Name is 123, VIP-150T will sent out messages
as Account Name @”IP address of Proxy”, if user set prefix as abc, VIP-150T will
set out as abc123@”IP address of Proxy”. This function is for special proxy server.
7. –line: identify one number for the VIP-150T to register to the Proxy (SIP –line
“line number”).
In proxy mode please remember to set user account information under
security command.
8. –pbsearch: enable/disable phone book search function under Proxy Mode. If user
enabled this function, VIP-150T will search dialed number in phone book to see if
there is any matched table before send to Proxy server, and if there is a matched
data in phone book, VIP-150T will make call to related IP address.
9. –expire: set expire time of registration. VIP-150T will keep re-registering to proxy
server before expire timed out.
10. –port: set listening UDP port or VIP-150T.
11. –rtp: set RTP port number. VIP-150T will use this port to send and receive voice.