PLANET VIP-150T User’s Manual
(3) Auto Re-connect
Choose ON or OFF to enable or disable this function. If user enables this
function, after PPPoE disconnected, VIP-150T will automatically reboot to
re-connect, and after reboot, if VIP-150T still can’t connect with server,
VIP-150T will keep trying to connect. On the other hand, if user disables
this function, VIP-150T won’t reboot and keep trying to connect.
8. SNTP Configuration
(1) SNTP Mode:
User can set SNTP function to be on or off, which means VIP-150T will
capture current time from SNTP server or not.
(2) SNTP Server:
User can specify a SNTP server for VIP-150T to capture current time.
(3) Time Zone:
User can set time zone via pressing ç or è according to the location
VIP-150T is. For example, in Taiwan the time zone should be set as
9. Behind IP-Sharing
(1) If VIP-150T is behind IP sharing or NAT device, on IP sharing must
enable “DMZ” function or set “Virtual Server” to open ports (UDP port:
5060 and 16384).
(2) User must enter public IP address of IP sharing.
6. Advanced Settings (protected by password)
l Please Enter Password: (**)
User must key in password to enter this menu, selections under this
command are all important ones, which can only be configured by advanced
1. Default Password to enter is empty, please press OK to enter sub-menus.
If user forget password, please contact with your distributor, we will
generate a specific password according to your MAC address of
3. User can also try to configure VIP-
150T via Telnet or Web browser with
default IP address:
1. SIP Settings
(1) Connect Mode