PLANET VIP-150T User’s Manual
Chapter 4 Configuring the VIP-150T through
Telnet command lines
After setting the IP Address of VIP-150T and reboot, (please refer to LCD Menu: 5-3.4.5),
user can enter into Telnet command lines.
1. After user enter VIP-150T configuration via telnet, please use login: ”root”
password: null, press enter to enter command lines.
2. User must input lower-c
ase command, but contents of configurations such
as SIP alias or user name etc, user can set as capital case.
3. After any change of configuration, please remember to do commit
command to save changes and then reboot command to reboot system.
4.1 [help] command
Type help or man or ? to display all the command lists. The following figure is shown
all commands of VIP-150T.
4.2 [quit] command
Type quit/exit/close will logout VIP-150T and Telnet Program.