Welcome Screen
A. Main menu
B. Last stitch
C. Information
Main Menu
When touching the main menu icon, you enter the main menu. In the main
menu you will fi nd the different categories of stitches, reach the embroidery
mode and the Data Manager.
Use this function to obtain general information on how to operate the machine.
Last stitch
The last stitch function makes it possible for you to go back to the stitch you
where on, before turning off the machine.
On the screen that appears when you start your machine, you can choose a
function called Last stitch. When touching that icon a new menu appears where
you can choose either Last stitch or Current state. Choose last stitch and you
will go to the stitch you where on before turning off the machine. The current
state take you to the last embroidery stitch.
If you have activated the current state function when embroidering you can, via
this button, continue to embroider from where you have stopped before you
turned off the machine.
A. Main Menu
B. Context Menu
C. Creative Assistant
E. Esc
A. Main Menu
This function allows you to switch back to the main menu, for selection of all
stitches. In this picture you are already on the Main Menu and the icon has then
turned blue.
In the Main Menu, you have different selection menus: Join, Overcast, Utility,
Buttonholes, 9mm Decorative Stitches, MAXI Stitches, Personal Menu,
Alphabets, Sewing Sequence, Stitch Creator, Embroidery, Selection by number,
Last stitch and Data Manager.