Stabilizer is the key to quality embroideries. When embroidering,
sewing decorative stitches, appliqué satin stitches or hemstitching, you
should place a stabilizer underneath your fabric. There are different
types of stabilizers.
Tear-away stabilizer
The tear-away stabilizers are torn away after the design is stitched
and are used for stable, woven fabrics such as denim, woven cotton or
blends, linen etc. When pulling the stabilizer from the embroidery you
should always support the stitching.
Iron-on stabilizer
Iron-on stabilizers are temporarily fused to the wrong side of the fabric
before starting to embroider. When the embroidery is fi nished the
stabilizer is carefully torn off. Iron-on stabilizers are used on soft and
slippery bias cut fabrics and unstable woven fabrics or knits.
Cut-A-Way stabilizer
Cut-a-way stabilizers are cut away from and around the embroidery
after the embroidery has been stitched. These stabilizers are often used
on stretch fabrics.
Wash-away stabilizer
Wash-away stabilizers are stabilizers that will dissolve in water. It can
be placed on top or beneath the fabric. The stabilizer is often used on
top of loopy fabrics like terrycloth, fl eece, sweatshirts and other fabrics
where the stitches can sink into the fabric and disappear. It can also be
used on special stand alone digitized lace designs.
Make sure that the fabric where you use Wash-Away is water resistant
and that you store the stabilizers in an enclosed plastic bag since they
are sensitive to humidity.