embroidery accessories 5:10
standard accessories 1:16
Accessory tray 2:4
Alphabets 1:13, 4:26–4:27, 5:27–5:30
Animal stitches 1:12
Antique Embroidery stitches 1:12
Antique hand embroidery stitches 4:23
Appliqué embroidery 5:47
Arcing 5:6, 5:31–5:32
Automatic stitch building 5:5, 5:33
Balance 3:6
Basting in the embroidery hoop 5:4, 5:17
Basting program 3:14
Blindhem stitch 3:22
elastic blind stitch 3:22
Bobbin and bobbin case
inserting 2:12
Bobbin thread 2:15
Bobbin thread monitor 2:12, 3:2
Bobbin winding
from the second spool pin 2:9
from the spool pin 2:8
from the third spool pin 2:9
setting the speed 2:11
through the needle 2:10
while embroidering 2:10
Bridging stitch 3:23
Built in designs 5:49–5:70
Buttonhole 3:15–3:18
attaching the foot 3:15
automatic buttonhole 3:16
Eyelet buttonhole with gimp thread 3:17–3:18
how to balance a buttonhole 3:16
how to sew 3:16
manual buttonhole 3:16
programmed buttonhole 3:16
sensormatic buttonhole guide 3:15
tips 3:18
with gimp thread 3:17
sewing on buttons 3:19
Carrying case 2:4
Cleaning 6:2
Color changing 5:7, 5:18
Context menu 3:8–3:9
in embroidery 5:8
Contrast of the screen 2:3
Correct top tension 2:13
Creative Assistant 2:17, 3:10
creative Data Manager 2:18–2:19, 5:36–5:40
creative memory card
prepare for saving 5:41
Crosshem stitch 3:23
Cross Stitch 4:23
Cross stitches 1:11
Current state 5:8
Cutwork embroidery 5:47
Darning 3:20
automatic darning 3:20