Daily and Weekly Maintenance
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Driver’s Check List
To keep your truck in top shape and
maintain a high level of safety for you,
your passengers, and your load, make
a thorough inspection every day before
you drive. You will save maintenance
time later, and the safety checks could
help prevent a serious accident. Please
remember, too, that the Federal law
requires a pre-trip inspection per Fed-
eral Motor Carrier Safety Regulation
392.7 and so do commercial trucking
You are not expected to become a pro-
fessional mechanic. The purpose of
your inspections is to find anything that
might interfere with the safe and effi-
cient transportation of yourself, any
passengers, and your load. If you do
find something wrong and cannot fix it
yourself, have an Authorized Service
Center or qualified mechanic repair
your vehicle right away.
The following operations are to be per-
formed by the driver. Performing these
checks and following the maintenance
procedures in this manual will help
keep your truck running properly.
Approaching Your Vehicle
• Check the overall appearance and
condition. Are windows, mirrors,
and lights clean and unobstructed?
• Check beneath the vehicle. Are
there signs of fuel, oil, or water
• Check for damaged, loose, or miss-
ing parts. Are there parts showing
signs of excessive wear or lack of
lubrication? Have a qualified
mechanic examine any question-
able items and repair them without
• Check your load. Is it secured prop-
Daily Checks
Engine Compartment
1. Engine Fluid Levels—add more if
• Engine oil
• Coolant (check while engine is
• Power steering fluid level
PB1340A.book Page 47 Friday, September 1, 2000 7:40 AM