Instruments and Controls Getting to Know Your Vehicle
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cigarette lighter socket it is essential to
ensure that:
• only 12 volt (negative ground) elec-
trical equipment is connected to the
cigarette lighter power socket.
• the power consumption of any elec-
trical component does not exceed
10 amps.
Instruments and
The instruments and controls are
located on the instrument panel, center
console, center roof console, and steer-
ing column.
Warning Lights
All warning lights are color coded to
indicate the level of their importance.
The color codes and the required
driver's response are as follows:
Illumination of any red warning light
during normal driving conditions indi-
cates a major system or equipment
malfunction. In the event of any red
warning light illuminating, the vehicle
must be stopped and the engine
switched off. Do not attempt to drive the
vehicle until the fault has been fixed.
Illumination of any amber warning light
during normal driving conditions indi-
cates an equipment/system malfunc-
tion. In the event of an amber warning
light illuminating, the vehicle may con-
tinue on its journey but additional driv-
ing caution must be observed. The fault
should be fixed at the earliest opportu-
Green Or Blue
Illumination of any green or blue warn-
ing light indicates that a unit/system is
WARNING! Do not ignore a
warning light or buzzer.
These signals may tell you
something is wrong with
your vehicle. It could be a
failure in an important sys-
tem, such as the brakes,
which could lead to an acci-
dent. Have the appropriate
system checked immedi-
PB1340A.book Page 25 Friday, September 1, 2000 7:40 AM