– i –
How to use this handbook
This handbook contains information for
you, the driver, to enable you to operate
the vehicle as efficiently and safely as
possible and generally to make your
driving easier and more satisfying.
Besides subjects such as operating
instructions, attention also focuses on
maintenance and minor repairs which
you may be able to carry out yourself.
NOTE: This handbook is
based on the chassis and
components as it originally left the fac-
tory. Depending upon the required body
and equipment, the bodybuilder may
have made fundamental changes to
various parts or systems, such as the
instrument panel, the lighting, or the
electrical wiring.
The vehicles covered by this handbook
consist of various types and models.
Individual vehicles are constructed in
accordance with all Federal Motor Vehi-
cle Safety Standards and in accordance
with the expected operating conditions.
Certain descriptions or illustrations in
this handbook may therefore not corre-
spond entirely to the situation on your
own vehicle. However, this has no influ-
ence on its operation or maintenance.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that this
handbook is in the vehicle at
all times and read it carefully
before making your first journey, espe-
cially the “Safety precautions”,
“Technical items of special impor-
tance”, “Instruments and controls”
and “Driving” sections of this hand-
In addition to this handbook (available
from your dealer) the following publica-
tions have also been produced:
Bodybuilders’ guidelines
Maintenance manual
For information on how to order the
above publications, please contact your
Safety Signals
A number of alerting messages are in
this manual. Please read and follow
them. They are there for your protection
and information. These messages can
PB1340A.book Page i Friday, September 1, 2000 7:40 AM