Various Shooting Functions
Shooting with a single press of the shutter release but-
ton (Full Press Snap)
When pressing the shutter release button halfway AF operates, however,
pressing the shutter release button all the way will quickly capture an image
at the set focal distance. This function is called Full Press Snap. The camera
will focus at the distance set in [Snap Focus Distance] in the [Shooting] menu
(GP. 52).
In the [Shooting] menu, this is set in [Full Press Snap].
Off Operates the same way as AF.
On WhenusingFullPressSnap,thecamerawillfocusatthedistancesetin[SnapFocusDistance].
Auto-Hi ISO WhenusingFullPressSnap,thecamerawillfocusatthedistancesetin[SnapFocusDistance]
Caution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• FullPressSnapisnotavailableinthefollowingmodes.
• Macro
• Self-Timer
• In3 mode
Note -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Evenwhen[FullPressSnap]issetto[ON],thecamerawillfocusatthesettingin[Focus]whenthe
shutter release button is pressed halfway.