Precautions for Use
• Thisproductwasmanufacturedforuseinthecountryofpurchase,thewarrantyis
not valid in other countries. Should the product fail or malfunction while out of the
country, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for servicing the product locally
or bearing any expenditure incurred thereby.
• Donotdropthecameraorsubjectittophysicalshocks.Whencarryingthecamera,be
careful that it does not strike other objects. Particular care is required to protect the
lens and picture display.
• Theflashmayoverheatiffiredmanytimesinsuccession.Donotusetheflashmore
than necessary. Do not use the flash in close contact with your body or other objects.
Failure to observe these precautions could result in burns or fire.
• Usingtheflashunitincloseproximitytoyoursubject’seyescouldcausetemporary
visual impairment. Particular care should be observed when photographing infants.
Do not direct the flash at the operator of a motor vehicle.
• Batteriesmaybecomehotwithextendeduse.Waitforbatteriestocoolbeforeremov-
ing them from the camera.
• Thepicturedisplaymaybedifficulttoreadindirectsunlight.
• Youmaynoticethatpicturedisplayvariesinbrightnessorcontainspixelsthatdonot
light or that are always lit. This is common to all LCD monitors and does not indicate a
• Donotapplyforcetothepicturedisplay.
• Abruptchangesintemperaturemaycausecondensation,resultinginvisibleconden-
sation inside the lens or camera malfunction. This can be avoided by placing the cam-
era in a plastic bag to slow the temperature change, and removing it only after the air
in the bag has reached the same temperature of its surroundings.
• Topreventdamagetotheproduct,donotinsertobjectsintotheholesinthemicro-
phone and speaker coverings.
• Keepthecameradryandavoidhandlingitwithwethands.Failuretoobservethese
precautions could result in product malfunction or electric shock.
• Takeatestshottoensurethatthecameraisfunctioningproperlybeforeusingiton
important occasions such as travel or weddings. We recommend that you keep this
manual and spare batteries at hand.
Avoiding Condensation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Condensationisparticularlylikelytooccurifyoumovetoanareawithasharplydifferenttempera-
ture, if humidity is high, in a cold room after the heater has come on, or where the camera is exposed
to cold air from an air conditioner or other device.