Various Shooting Functions
Note -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• WhenAFLockcannotbeset,orwhenAFLockiscanceled,thefocuswillmovetothepositionsetin
• When the focus is locked with the AF button, the AE/AF lock position will not change even when the
shutter release button is pressed halfway.
Using C-AF with the AF Function Switching Lever
While the AF button is pressed, Continuous AF will be active, continuously
focusing on the subject, regardless of the [Focus] setting.
If the shutter release button is pressed all the way while pressing the AF but-
ton, continuous shooting will be carried out following the [C-AF Continuous
once the AF button is released.
Off Continuousshootingwillonlybeavailablewhen[Continous]issetinthe
AF Priority While the shutter release button is held, the camera will shoot continuously
while focusing for each shot.
Frame Speed Priority Pictures continue to be taken for as long as you hold down the shutter release
button. The focus is fixed. (GP. 62)
Caution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Continuous AF is not available while shooting movies.
Note -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Agreenframewillappearwhenthecamerahasfinishedfocusing.Thefocussoundwillnotbeplayed.
• Ifthe[Focus]issetto[MF],thefocuscanbelockedwhentheAFbuttonisreleased.Itiseasierto
operate when placing your index finger on the shutter release button, and using your thumb for the
AF button.