34 C2631M-C (7/09)
To display the DX8100 main window from a Setup dialog page:
• On the DX8100 toolbar, click the Live button .
The DX8100 Series HVR has four primary operating modes: Live, Playback, Search, and Setup. Each operating mode is accessed by clicking its
corresponding button on the toolbar.
Table I describes the DX8100 operating modes.
The DX8100 allows full screen viewing of video data in the live, playback, and index search mode, providing more screen area to display video.
Displaying Live Video in Full Screen View
To display live video in full window view:
1. Select the live video mode. For information about working in the playback mode, refer to Working in Live View Mode on page 46.
2. Select a window division.
3. On the DX8100 toolbar, click the Full Screen button . Live video is displayed in full screen view.
To display the DX8100 main window from the full screen view:
• Right click in the DX8100 window.
Cycle Views Turns window cycling on and off. Automatically cycles through each view panel ensuring all cameras
get displayed. Group permission to change the dwell time is assigned by the Administrator to the
following groups: Restricted User Group, Standard User Group, and Power User Group. For information
about cycle views setup, refer to Automatically Cycling Through View Panels on page 38.
Full Screen Selects a full screen view. The application window is expanded to occupy the entire monitor screen.
Click the right mouse button to exit full-screen view. The full screen view is not available in the
Thumbnail, POS, and Pixel search mode.
Connection List Opens the Connection List dialog box for adding sites to the Site Tree.
Table I. Operating Modes
Icon Mode Description
Live Enters the display mode and opens the DX8100 main window, where live and playback video is displayed:
• Live mode: Allows all users to view live video.
• Playback mode: Allows users with playback access rights to play back recorded video.
Search Enters the search mode and opens the Search window, providing access to search features. Allows users with playback
access rights to search video data using specific criteria.
Setup Enters the setup mode and opens the Setup dialog box to the Camera setup page (default view), and allows access to the
other setup pages. Users with Power User access and higher are allowed to set up the features and options for the HVR.
Table H. DX8100 Toolbar Buttons (2 of 2)
Button Name Description