SP / TC / GT
SP, TC, and GT consoles are shipped having standard configuration unless specified at time of order. These are ways that the
console configuration may be varied after manufacture. The items listed are internal options selected by gold jumper links.
Default is marked with a line on the board and is usually pins 1&2 of the three pin header.
In addition there are links for module function assignment. Take care to not disturb these when using USER OPTION links.
M = Main board
C = Connector Shipped with the option underlined
All Inputs M Pre Source (SRC)Mute Aux sends with or without Mute
M Pre Source Select Pre & Post EQ
Group Outs M Matrix Post Mute? Y/N Send Group Post Mute Y/N
Left/Right Outs M J8, Aux local Mute Fit links to enable local mutes
Monitor Master C Talkback XLR +48V On or Off
Optional Modules
Matrix Module M Cue (PFL switch) PFL or AFL
GT Stereo In M Polarity Reverse L only or L+R
M Aux 5-6 Select Mono sum Pre or Post Fader
M Aux 7-8 Select Mono sum Pre or Post Fader
M SEL 1 Pre source L Pre EQ or Pre Fader
M SEL 2 Pre source R Pre EQ or Pre Fader
M Pre SRC (source) Mute? Yes or No
Output modules are pre-assigned at the Crest factory
These modules must always be installed in the correct positions. They are NOT interchangeable without being properly re-
assigned. Please contact the Crest Audio Service Department for more information.