Feature Overview 2
A brief description of design, features and functions.
Wiring Conventions 3
Contains diagrams indicating how connectors for Crest consoles are wired.
Power Supply 4
A brief description of the rack-mountable Century Series consoles power supplies.
Power Connections 5
A brief description of Crest console power connections.
System Connections 6
Contains diagrams illustrating conventional system connections.
SP Input Module 8
Profiles the SP input module.
TC Input Module 10
Profiles the TC input module.
GT Input Module 12
Profiles the GT input module.
GT Stereo Input Module 14
Profiles the GT stereo input module.
SP/TC Group Module 17
Profiles the SP/TC group module.
GT Group Module 18
Profiles the GT group module.
Matrix Module 21
Profiles the matrix module.
SP/TC Master Section 23
Profiles the SP/TC master section.
GT Master Section 25
Profiles the SP/TC master section.
Technical Information Appendix A
Includes dimensions, specifications, console access details,
user options, console block diagram, and rear panel layout.
Glossary Appendix B
The specific details of console operation are described here.
Schematics Appendix C
Lists available schematics for SP/TC/GT Console Modules & Power Supply