Congratulations on your purchase of a Century Series console. All of us at Crest Audio in Paramus, New
Jersey, USA, support your decision, knowing your console contains the finest combination of design and
manufacture in the industry.
While your new Century Series console is one of the most feature-packed available, great effort has been
put into making it simple to operate.
This manual explains the functions of your new console, how they operate and how they relate to each
other. If properly cared for, your new console will provide you with trouble-free, sonically accurate mixing
clear into the next Century and beyond.
Please keep the following contact information on hand:
Crest Audio Customer Service Dept.
100 Eisenhower Drive
Paramus NJ 07652 USA
TEL 201.909.8700 FAX 201.909.8744
Crest Audio Inc.
100 Eisenhower Dr., Paramus NJ 07652 USA
TEL: 201.909.8700 FAX: 201.909.8744
Printed in USA