
A unit address is a unique number to be assigned to each
PS·Data compatible device. Each address of the system
devices must be unique to identify them when connecting
two or more PS·Data compatible devices.
For example, numbers "001" - "099" are assigned to unit
addresses for system devices.
The unit address (controller) is used to control a PS·Data
device connected to this unit. Assign a number from "001" -
"099" for a unit address.
Select a communication speed for data transmission with a
connected device from the following:
2 400/4 800/9 600/19 200/38 400 (bps)
Default: 9 600
The data length for communication will be displayed.
It is impossible to change the setting value.
Methods of error check for a transmission at communication
will be displayed.
It is impossible to change the setting value.
Stop bit types will be displayed.
It is impossible to change the setting value.
When data reception is not confirmed, the interval to retrans-
mit the same data is displayed.
It is impossible to change the setting value.
The method to notify the connected controller of an event
occurrence is displayed.
It is impossible to change the setting value.
Configure the settings for each camera channel to control
cameras using the PS·Data compatible controller.
When the [Setup] button is selected, the following page will
be displayed.
• [No.]
Select the desired camera number (1 to 999) for each
camera channel.
• [Back]button
Closes the setup page and returns to the [PS.Data
Setup] tab.
Select the [PS·Data setup] tab on the "Communication" page. (+ Page 60)
The settings for PS·Data can be configured on this tab.