
Setting the detection areas and sensitivity
Step 1
Select the [Setup] button of the [i-VMD setup] tab.
The setup page for camera's i-VMD function will be dis-
• Whennooperationismadeforapprox.5minutesonthe
setup page for camera's i-VMD function, the display will
automatically return to Step 1.
Step 2
Select the desired camera.
Select the [Cam.1] tab, and then select the desired camera
(Cam.1/Cam.2...Cam.16) from the pull-down menu.
Step 3
Select the [Area/Sensitivity] tab.
The [Area/Sensitivity] tab will be displayed.
Step 4
Set the detection areas and sensitivity for "Motion det." and
"Object det.".
To set "Motion det.", select the [Setup] button on the right
side of "White" and "Blue" of "Motion det." (The detection
areas for "Motion det." are displayed in white or blue frames.
To set "Object det.", select the [Setup] button on the right
side of "Green" and "Red" of "Object det." (The detection
areas for "Object det." are displayed in green or red frames.
• Whenchecking"Allarea",alltheareaonthedisplayed
image can be set as the detection area.
• Whennotchecking"Allareas"andnotconfiguringeach
area setting, all the area on the displayed image will be
set as the detection area.