Reference Manual for the NETGEAR Storage Central SC101
v1.0, September 2005
View/Attach Available Drive
Use the Attach Available Drive feature in the following situations:
• A shared drive is created on a PC. Other PCs must attach to it in order to use the drive.
• The reset button was used to reset the SC101. This detaches all drives.
• You detached a drive from a PC so that a different PC could use it.
To attach a drive, follow the steps below:
1. From the Advanced Configuration Options screen, select Attach Available Drive.
2. Select and available drive, and follow the onscreen prompts to attach it.
Firmware Upgrade
You can use the Firmware Upgrade feature to install firmware that you downloaded but have not
installed yet.
To upgrade the firmware, follow the steps below:
1. From the Advanced Configuration Options screen, select Upgrade Firmware.
2. Enter the admin password.
3. Browse to locate the firmware, and follow the onscreen prompts to install it.
4. After the upgrade the SC101 reboots. Please wait for the reboot to complete. If you created a
lot of drives on the SC101 then it will increase the time needed for rebooting.
Note: If a drive has a password associated with it then you must know the password in
order to attach the drive.
Note: To upgrade the firmware you must know the admin password.